Mitch McConnell chased from Kentucky restaurant by "protesters." From CNN:
One man can be heard calling the senator "turtle head" and repeatedly saying "we know where you live" as the senator and two dining companions climb into their parked vehicle.
In a recent Washington Post regarding the topic of harassment Trump officials receive in public, Presidential Counsel Kellyanne Conway recalled how a man harassed her while she was shopping in a supermarket for her family. Kellyanne, a mother of four, was shopping when an angry man sneered, “You ought to be ashamed of yourself! Go look in the mirror!”
Without missing a beat, Kellyanne replied, “Mirrors are in aisle nine — I’ll go get one now.”
“What am I gonna do?” Kellyanne tells the Post, “Fall apart in the canned vegetable aisle?”
Stephen Miller was harassed by a bartender at a sushi takeout joint, who followed the Trump aide into the street, giving him the finger and cursing him.
Miller threw out the $80 of sushi he'd just bought -- probably suspecting it had been adulterated by this hateful crew.
Also, they're posting "Wanted" posters of his face around his residence, which certainly seems like a method to encourage a crazy to shoot at him.
In a definite escalation of this new "confrontation" culture, a man harassed Steve Bannon at an independent bookstore. The bookstore's manager told the "protester" to stop it; he didn't, so the bookstore manager called the cops on him.
Perfectly reasonable -- someone was being disruptive in his store, so he called a cop.
The left doesn't see it this way -- they see this small businessman as viciously thwarting a fellow leftist's Right to Harass and Stalk People. So Hillary Clinton campaign advisor Phillipe Reines actually tweeted out the bookstore's address and phone number, with the obvious suggestion that the left now turn to harassing the bookstore owner for refusing to allow his bookstore for purposes of leftist harassment.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Monday, July 09, 2018
Leftist harassment continues
Ace of Spades has a rundown on the latest rude behaviors of Leftists.
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