Thursday, July 05, 2018

JJ Sefton's Morning Report

Here is JJ Sefton's Morning Report from Ace of Spades. Be sure to click on some of his links for some good Thursday reading material.

Good morning kids. Looks like somewhat of a slow news day, and with July 4th on a Wednesday combined with summer hours and you get essentially a five-day weekend. Not so for the crack staff of the Morning Report as we have aggravated/aggregated some links for your edification. Let us commence.

First up, the big story continues to be the President's search for the next justice to take the seat vacated by the ankling of Antony Kennedy. VP Pence has evidently confabbed with the short-listers and the Left are doing whatever they can to blockade, obstruct and prevent the seat from being filled, especially by a potential Neil Gorsuch or, please G-d, an Antonin Scalia originalist/strict constructionist. They know that the things they can never enact via the ballot box can only be rammed down our throats by the unelected Deep State bureaucracy as diktats. Since 99.999% of the time they'd be considered unconstitutional in a sane and just world, a judiciary packed with socialists will always ignore and/or twist the law and carve it into granite forever.

I won't say it's ballgame, but look what having the one-vote majority of Neil Gorsuch did to them last week. One or perhaps two, outside shot at three, more like-minded justices on the court between now and January 2025 (please G-d) would enable the most significant shift in the political/legislative trajectory in 100 years. The only other way to effectively retrieve the usurped power of the post Marbury v Madison judiciary is if some case comes before them that they would somehow rule against precedent (and to denude themselves of their own power [highly unlikely even with nine Scalia's]) or of a Constitutional Amendment, as suggested by Mark Levin, that would give a majority of states legislatures the right to overturn a Roe v Wade or Kelo, and thus have the final say. It would be nice to actually not wait on pins and needles every June for nine flawed human beings to decide the fate of 320 million of the rest of us. Stay tuned.

Meanwhile, as leaders from Cuck Schemer and Maxine "Roger" Waters to future leader Alexandria Occasionally-Cortez and celebrities like Tubby Riefenstahl Sarah Silverfish continue to spew out the most insane, hate-filled rhetoric, expect the insanity and violence to ramp up. Yesterday some schmuck decided that climbing up the outside of the Statue of Liberty on the Fourth of July was just the thing to do - shut down a national monument and piss off thousands of people. Meanwhile, an incredibly detestable lout decided to steal a kid's MAGA hat and then throw his drink at him. Decorum prohibits me from describing the retribution that should be visited upon this bastard. But when a highly vocal minority decides to demonize people for not giving in to their demands, surrendering their beliefs and cheerfully sticking their necks into a noose, this is the result. And worse as we have seen in the case of Steve Scalise. As Dennis Prager says, when they think we're Nazis, then we can expect more of this.

In Spygate news, traitorous crook Peter Strzok tells us, via his lawyer, that he's going to ignore a Congressional subpoena. Okay, let's see if he can ignore handcuffs, leg irons and a stint in a jail where his new "colleagues" know just how to treat someone in law enforcement. MR favorite Daniel Greenfield has another fine outing going beyond the political to examine the sleaze factor in the corrosion of ethics within our intel and LE communities that led to all of this.

On the political front, a former wrestler on the OU team where Jim Jordan was once an assistant coach is claiming that Jordan knew about the sex scandal that was going on and did nothing. I hope this is a lie and/or nothingburger since as I said yesterday, Jordan really is one of the few good guys. Call me crazy but I smell Paul Ryno in there somewhere. I question the timing of this and given Jordan's open criticism of GOP House leadership, it would not surprise me.

To immigration where a clear majority of Americans want strong border security, somehow 20,000 DACAns are still going through the process of invading the country despite the program's clear illegality while 14,000 did it the right way yesterday and were sworn in as legal citizens. While it's commendable, all things considered, the last thing we need are more immigrants. I think we need a moratorium on all immigration for a period of at least 20 years so that those who are already here can assimilate. Meh. Considering the state of our schools, media and culture, they'll be hating us in no time flat. Weird how with all the anti-American agitprop pumped out on a daily basis (evidently CNN International is a big thing around the word) hundreds thousands risk their lives to come here. And in related news, an enraging piece about how Obama opened the doors of citizenship to thugs, scum and murderous anti-American terrorists.

Internationally, as unrest builds within Iran, the President is set to meet with what Caroline Glick describes as a considerably weakened Vladimir Putin. This is because Syria has become a military and political quagmire for the ex KGB thug, and the real player there is Iran whose military and Hezbollah proxies are getting the shawarma kicked out them. Taiwan is pressuring US Airlines about the mainland's one China policy and a student leader of the 1989 Tiananmen Square protest (they let this guy live?!) is pissing off the right people at that country's front group, the Confucius Institute, for a 30th anniversary memorial (can't believe that's next year already). Interesting, and alarming, piece about China's influence south of our border, especially in context to the raging commie that just got elected there and finally PDT has a chance to really help the Brexit cause via a trade deal the Brits can't refuse.

Going around the horn, as Tom Steyer seeks to flip the Colorado legislature, Rhode Island is going ahead with its lawsuit to wipe out our petroleum industry, which would destroy our economy and line the pockets of trial lawyers. Considering how a judge in California of all places essentially threw out the case brought against Exxon, I can't see how this insanity goes much further. In any case, tort reform we much. And Al Gore cites summertime as proof of global warming.

In Pennsylvania, a school district is refusing to allow parents to see the propaganda film promoting homo perversion that their kids are forced to see, Talcum X, the faux bro, sez the Fourth of July is a lie, San Francisco has become a Socialist paradise (read "open sewer") and this #WalkAway thing could be a thing and that would be a huge thing indeed. "Kanye" hear us now?

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