Friday, July 20, 2018

Hollywood’s Dysfunctional Relationship With Guns

Guest post
by Suzann Darnall

I am not really saying anything that has not been said before and I apologize for the echoing repetition but I really feel I need to express my opinion on this oxymoronic situation. It just struck me so strong last night as my husband and I were watching a couple of movies at the local drive-in theater, that Hollywood really needs to get its act together and quit the schizoid love-hate behavior they have with guns and the Second Amendment.

First of all, let me address my own love-hate feelings about actually going to the movies. I have been avoiding television and movies for much of the past many months due to my anger at Hollywood for their assault on and disrespect for our President, our citizens, our Constitution, our country, traditional values, and average American life in general. But, I really really really wanted to see the new Jurassic movie, Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. So, when my sweet husband offered to take me to it, I caved! He is not a fan of dinosaurs, making it a big deal for him to look up the information to see if it was available for a date night. Since it was the second feature, we sat through two films. The first movie was Skyscraper.

In my defense, Dwayne Johnson and Chris Pratt are two of the more acceptable actors in Hollywood. Dwayne Johnson does not seem to be anti-gun and Chris Pratt is actually pro-gun. So, at least they are not hypocrites for being action movie stars who use guns.

But, overall, Hollywood is rabidly anti-gun and anti-2nd A. They rail about it constantly, while being protected by their armed security teams AND promoting their latest action film where guns are frequently on screen more than anything else! It is annoying, to say the least.

The two movies we saw last night both had bad guys with guns. Ultimately it was good guys with guns who won. Granted, the one hero had a little help from an state of the art building and the other hero had a little help from the dinosaurs. Oh yeah, both guys got help from their lady loves, too.

But, it was really and truly the good gun guys versus the bad gun guys that struck me. Especially as most of us do not have a state of the art building or a dinosaur to come to our aid. Although I would love to have a velociraptor. Maybe just a lil one that could sleep in the house next to my bed, like a Great Dane. However, I digress. Back to the guns and hypocrisy!

It is the right of each and every Hollywood person to protest about guns to their lil itty bitty hearts’ content. Just don’t do it while your armed security is by your side or right after your latest shoot ‘em up action adventure hit the theaters. It really makes y’all look like bigger idiots than you seem each time most of y’all open your mouths without a script anyway.

If guns are good enough to protect you and make you rich, then they should be good enough for each and every citizen in America. Granted, most of us living in the flyover states will not make a fortune starring on the big . . . or even little . . . screen. But, one of us might just save a life if we are carrying when a bad guy with a gun starts to act like the antagonist in your last theatrical success or failure.

Suzann blogs at WoolyMammoth.Org

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