Friday, July 13, 2018

"Government officials within the DOJ and FBI conspired together with private political parties outside government to conduct intelligence gathering operations against their political opponents."

Sundance writes at The Conservative Treehouse writes,
...The current officials within the corrupt DOJ/FBI system are protecting the former officials who worked within the corrupt DOJ/FBI system. The activity was so stunningly destructive to every tenet of our democracy and principle of our constitutional republic; the administrators of the system cannot allow the American electorate to know what they did.

Government officials within the DOJ and FBI conspired together with private political parties outside government to conduct intelligence gathering operations against their political opponents. You cannot get higher on the usurpation scale.

That illegally extracted opposition research was then laundered by design and passed back into the intelligence apparatus (DOJ/FBI) where it was weaponized -by gaining a Title-1 search warrant (Oct 21, 2016,)- to conduct active surveillance on everyone within a political campaign.

That weaponized surveillance, gained by the FISA authority, was then used as an “insurance policy” against the Trump campaign, President-elect Trump, and President Trump.

Actual, all encompassing surveillance -physical and electronic- of a sitting U.S. President, and every member of the administration and executive branch, until expiration of the fraudulently obtained FISA Title-1 surveillance warrant in October 2017.

Let that sink in.

THAT is what this entire Russia Collusion/Conspiracy narrative is intended to conceal and hide. That coup attempt is why the Mueller investigation exists.

Once Trump took office, someone had to take over the collection of the results from all of this ongoing surveillance; and simultaneously someone had to protect the underlying construct of how that surveillance was obtained. THAT is why Robert Mueller’s investigation was started.

The DOJ-NSD division, and the FBI counterintelligence division, were actively engaged in a plot to destroy, then overthrow, a sitting U.S. President. All of this Russia, Russia, Russia stuff is simply designed to hide and obfuscate this issue.
Read more here.

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