Dennis Prager is Ben's guest. He has written a best seller, The Rationale Bible: Exodus. Ultimately it will be a five-volume work, based on the first five books of the Bible.
It is rational to believe in a Creator. It takes faith to believe that the Creator is good! Abraham argued with God. Dennis loves the idea that you can argue with God! In Hebrew, Israel means argue with or struggle with God! Islam in Arabic means "submit to God."
Do we have an embedded conscience? Yes, but the problem is it doesn't work well.
A large number of white immigrants to America came as indentured servants.
The first five books of the Bible are Torah law, which Dennis believes is a divine document. Dennis's favorite part is the Ten Commandments, which is why he started with Exodus.
The purpose of the Sabbath is to imitate God, to rest and not create one day a week. The Sabbath represents Creation. Dennis will not smoke a pipe or cigar on the Sabbath, because the Scripture says no fire on the Sabbath.
Every one of America's founders believed that the Bible was the greatest book ever written.
Moral idiocy pervades our institutions of higher learning. They are Godless. Wisdom begins with fear of God!
Our founders merged Liberty and God: "God wants us to be free!"
Dennis is one of the few Jewish parents who "didn't give a damn about my kids' grades." He taught that character was the most important thing.
Dennis believes there is a civil war in the United States. The far Left is taking over the Democratic Party. Trump is the guy who is saving us from losing the country! Nobody else would have defeated Hillary Clinton. A stupid statement or a moronic tweet is very small compared to the tasks he is fulfilling as president.
But, Ben says that in the 2020 election the biggest voting bloc is going to be Millennials, and those people actually take his tweets seriously. He believes that it is important to our credibility to criticize Trump when he says something stupid. Dennis said, "Trump is a package. His package saved this country from the Left taking it over." Dennis is focused on the near-death of America that took place in 2016. If any Democrat would have won the United States would have gone the way of western Europe.
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