Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Bellyaching, sore losers, crybabies

Oregon Muse muses,
"Every time the progs lose at something, they start bellyaching about how it needs to be 'fixed'. By 'fixed', I believe they mean, 'rigged in our favor so our side wins all the time.' So recently progs are wondering why there are 9 SCOTUS judges and not some larger number. Some of them are even advocating that the Supreme Court be expanded to, say, 15 judges. Why would they argue this? Do they actually want President Pence to be able to appoint 6 more justices? Of course they don't, their proposals probably include some cockamamie provision wherein these new appointments are made by someone else, i.e. a Democrat. And, as progs watch helplessly as Trump is appointing a continuous stream of conservative justices who are in their early to mid 50s, the progs are also complaining about how unfair it is that judicial appointments are for life, and how the "founding fathers", whom they have never cared one whit about until now, would not have wanted this. Boo f*ing hoo. All of these are basically Calvinball objections made by sore losers to justify their abject electoral failures. Bunch of crybabies. And speaking of crying, whatever happened to those little children whom Trump forcibly separated from their parents at the border and locked into cages? Don't Democrats care about them anymore?"

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