Friday, July 06, 2018

Are we approaching the Third American Revolution?

Michael believes we are approaching the third American Revolution. The first one was in 1776. It was based on natural rights: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. The second was the Civil War which was fought because slvaery was keeping people from enjoying those natural rights enumerated in the Constitution. The third revolution is going to be fought over the issue of abortion. Michael explains why Roe v. Wade is such a bad law.

The second part of the program featured filmaker Hawk Jenson and Sung Ho, who escaped North Korea and came to the State of the Union and held up his crutches. Remember? Victims of Communism is the website that tells about the documentary films Jensson is producing and directing. Michael interviewed Sung Ho in another episode (I presume it would be episode 178, which I have not seen).

Michael opened the mailbag of viewers' questions. One asked him who he wants Trump to name for the Supreme Court vacancy. His answer? Amy Coney Barrett! "Optics matter!" "She is the most rock-ribbed!"

Michael makes this statement: The Catholic belief is if you don't have sexual differences (male and female), you don't have marriage. Also, if you are not open to having children, you can't get married in the Catholic Church.

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