Tuesday, July 17, 2018

An interview with Steve Bannon

I believe this is the first time I have heard Steve Bannon speak!

Some quotes: "NBC is the propaganda department of the global elite!" Apparently, Euronews is connected to NBC. "Opposition Party Media!"

"Illegal immigration goes on in the US for one reason: to suppress the wages of the black and hispanic working class."

The interviewer keeps arguing with Bannon, interrupting him, but Bannon isn't having any of it. It makes for riveting viewing. Bannon gives it right back to him and stops him from biased questionning!

Centralized governments like the EU and Washington are in the business of debasing your citizenship! Centralized banks are in the business of debasing your currency! Central, technocratic, crony capitalist, big government and big tech companies are in the business of debasing your digital personhood."

"George Soros is one of the most evil people in the world!

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