Saturday, June 16, 2018

"We'll stop it!"

Lou Dobbs is sharp. He gets right to the nub of issues and does not mince words. Excellent Congressman Jim Jordan from Ohio has a hard time getting a word in edgewise because Lou is so stirred up about the IG report.

Eight days after Peter Strzok opened the counter intelligence operation into the Trump team he assures his lover, top FBI attorney Lisa Page that "We'll stop it" when Page asks for assurance they will stop Trump from being elected.

Dobbs asks Jordan, "How long are you going to put up with Rino Paul Ryan who is leading this country into the abyss? Your colleague Mark Meadows showed everybody how to get this done, and that is with a motion to vacate the chair! Any one of you can stand up and do that at any time and see if he's got 218 votes!"

The Border patrol seizes 6000 pounds of illegal drugs per day! Enough Fentanyl to kill 4 million Americans was seized recently in Ohio.

Christopher Wray, the current FBI Director promises to do some training of the rank and file agents, when it is the FBI leadership that is corrupt! Matt Gaetz, Congressman from Florida, says the real question is what is the Congress going to do about it!

President Trump approved tariffs on $50 billion dollars of Chinese goods.

Is it time to take live t.v. cameras out of the White House Press Briefings? Additionally, Joe Concha from The Hill recommends Monday-only briefings for the White House Press Corps, Tuesday-only for the business press, and Wednesday-only for the foreign media.

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