Sunday, June 24, 2018

Oppressed people, Democrats, and Saul Alinsky

I usually dislike using material that is not current. This 2017 video is an exception. Dinesh D'Souza says the Democratic Party of today is not the Democratic Party of Harry Truman, JFK, or even Jimmy Carter. The Democratic Party of today supports lawlessness in public policy. It is willing to use the power of the state against its opponents. Obama and Hillary enriched themselves by figuring out how to use leverage to public power to enrich themselves. Despite being in government all their lives, Bill and Hillary have a net worth of 300 million dollars. Obama hobnobs with billionaires. At a key time of life, both Obama and Hillary imbibed the Alinsky Koolaid. So did I! Now do you see why I chose to watch this video?

Obamacare: smoke and mirrors. In bed with the insurance companies, while pretending to be on the side of the little guy. Dinesh says this was Alinsky's specialty: spewing the rhetoric of social justice while for him it was about power.

Ralph Benko is President of something called the Alinsky Center. He says the Left has appropriated Alinsky. Alinsky respected the dignity of the people and wanted them to be able to participate in the solutions to their own problems.

David Alinsky is Saul Alinsky's son and is Chairman of the Alinsky Center. Saul was a committed capitalist who believed that it was through self-interest that individuals and groups achieved anything. He said he never could be a communist or a socialist: they don't have a sense of humor, and that would be deadly. When asked, he would say, "I'm Jewish." He attended synagogue and David grew up attending. Rules for Radicals was the essence of Saul Alinsky and what he believed in and dedicated his life for. He believed in the Republic and the ability of individuals and groups to organize and gain for themselves the collective rights our country provides.

Dinesh spoke next. Obama and Hillary out-Alinskied Alinsky! They used state power against their enemies!

David: If you are being oppressed, what is the means you have to fight back, and what is the end you wish to obtain?

Here is something I wrote in 2015 about about myself and Saul Alinsky.

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