Monday, June 11, 2018

If you have something to say to President Donald Trump, say it to his face, not behind his back. Doing otherwise could cost you “bigly.”

Headline at BizPacReview today:
Trudeau trash-talks Trump after summit; POTUS finishes him on Twitter, withdraws endorsement
Vivek Saxena writes,
Suggestion to world leaders: If you have something to say to President Donald Trump, say it to his face, not behind his back. Doing otherwise could cost you “bigly.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau learned this lesson the hard way when, following Trump’s early departure from the G-7 economic summit over the weekend, he held a press conference to take a few digs at his American counterpart.

...Before the conclusion of the press conference the Canadian prime minister added that he was “happy to announce that we have released a joint communique by all seven countries.”

...Though Trump had originally backed the joint statement (or communique), that changed once he heard about his Canadian counterpart’s remarks.

In a series of scathing tweets posted Saturday evening, the president backed out of the communique and excoriated Trudeau for his backhanded behavior:
Go here to read Trump's tweets.

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