At the Ace of Spades blog, JJ Sefton writes,
Good morning kids. The big story as we close out the week is the long-awaited IG Report on the FBI Clinton E-Mail Investigation. Well, Horowitz came, he saw and he conked out. No real surprise since Michael Horowitz has extensive ties to Obama, Clinton and the Deep State as well as Nazi collaborator George Soros. As Ace and the Horde have stated, this is not surprising at all. But, whitewashed and sanitized as it is, the revelations are no less infuriating, given what we know of Hillary and Obama. And even more rage-inducing is the complete tone-deaf, clueless and arrogant response of current FBI director Christopher Wray, who thinks that sensitivity training is what's needed and then all will be Efrem Zimbalist-like sweetness and light. In fact, what is needed is mass firings, trials and incarcerations with long sentences and stiff penalties for the likes of Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Rosenfraud and more than likely Robert Mueller himself for covering up the crimes of Hillary Clinton and by extension Barack Obama. Which also means the same thing if not worse for them.
But this is the real world. Nothing will come of this except for a slap on the wrist for Jimmy Drama et al, and maybe a short stretch in Club Fed for McCabe, Strzok and Page followed by a high six-figure book deal and a slot on CNN or MSNBC. And as you digest or puke over all of that on top of your salmonella-tainted Sugar Smacks (see the link), the Robert Mueller kangaroo court persecution of PDT and his allies and associates grinds on and on and on and on. And in order to give the Democrat-Media Complex air cover, New York's new AG is going after the Trump Foundation, accusing the President and several of his children of using the funds for personal enrichment. This after the Clinton Foundation has been in existence since 2000 selling out America by the pound, and Erik "here-we-whip-the-women-just-around-midnight" Schneiderman ran cover for them when he was the shyster-in-chief of the NY AG office. Can you see the blood shooting out of my eyes yet?
At this stage, given the cancer and rot that is the Washington DC establishment and Deep State, beyond mass firings and imprisonment, I think the dismantling of the FBI is long overdue. It's bad enough that these people detest regular, honest, decent hardworking Americans. What's worse is that they have a contempt for the very institutions and laws that they took an oath to uphold. That cannot stand and that cannot be allowed to continue. That is the cancer that is, as Abe Lincoln said, is eating at the vitals of our nation. It's us or them. War.
The other big story continues to be the other group of frauds, criminals, traitors and "paskudnyaks" as represented by Paul Ryno and the RINOs who are attempting to push through a shameless Amnesty bill that has been described as the worst ever. Paul Mirengoff at Powerline has a good analysis of the politics involved and thinks even if it does pass in the House, it would get shot down in the Senate. He hopes (as we all do). Meanwhile Nancy Palsi is demagoguing through her dentures about "the children!" vis a vis the new zero tolerance policy about border detentions, and sadly, some in the GOP are going wobbly on it. Sheesh. Also, when pressed about illegals depressing the wages of real American citizens, Palsi blurts out a laugher, which is actually a mini truth bomb.
On the foreign policy front, a big under-the-radar summit is taking place between PDT and Xi, but the Chi-Coms are not on board with full denuclearization of the NorKs before the lifting of sanctions, and the Trump administration is pressing Cuba about the unknown sonic attacks on our diplomats. Domestically, some good news from the courts about Obamacare, free expression at polling stations and Sarah Huckabee-Sanders is a national treasure.
Lastly, a great piece from American Thinker about the right to discriminate and yesterday marked one year since the Democrat-inspired terrorist Hodgkinson - whose links and communications with Dick "turd-bin" Durbin are still being hushed up - shot up a Republican baseball practice and critically wounded several GOP politicians, almost killing Steve Scalise. As if we needed a reminder, that's what happens when Trump is literally Hitler, when Nancy Palsi calls for confrontation and when Obama wants his followers to get in our faces.
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