Thursday, May 10, 2018


JJ Sefton's Morning Report.
Good morning kids. President Trump's major foreign policy coups are front and center this Thursday morning. Early this morning, the three Americans imprisoned by North Korea touched down on American soil. All had nothing but praise for the President and for America, which of course stands in stark contrast with the Democrat-Left-Media-Academia complex who do not. This is perfectly encapsulated by my penultimate link to one of the, for lack of a better expression, intellectual leaders of the anti-American enterprise Noam Chomsky and his thoughts on this nation, people, history and culture. If Donald Trump were to find the cure for cancer, he'd be accused of cruelly putting researchers and doctors out of work. It's an intractable mindset that really does border on a mental disorder. In any case, when you read the words of Chomsky ((if you can stomach them this early, or any time really) you see exactly the words, deeds and actions of Barack Obama and indeed the raison-d'etre of his entire life.

Forget about praising the President for getting these men released, and by the way without paying off the regime or even making concessions on the central issue of the nukes; the Democrat-Mediaites are not even happy for these people as human beings, let alone as Americans. Wait. I take this back; the Leftists were happy and grateful when that great American hero Bowe Bergdahl was released from captivity, but I digress. And then there's the reaction to the President's shredding of the Iran Nuke Sellout, whose author and supporters are 180 degrees out of phase with reality. On the granular level, there were so many things wrong with this sham, and concealed from the Legislature that Ben Rhodes crowed about how easy it was to dupe everyone. One shining example was the provision that the US military was obliged to help defend Iran in the event it was attacked. Defend as in shoot down Israeli and/or GCC aircraft.

It boils down to the sad, and potentially dangerous reality that as a nation we are a house divided, perhaps irreparably so (click here for The Other McCain's column from yesterday). And with a completely corrupt GOP, an unaccountable Leftist Deep State bureaucracy and a judiciary on a knife-edge (although there is good news in that department) and brainwashed youth graduating into the world every June, we're going to need much more than two terms of PDT. That said, the past 17 months, even with the Mueller-led coup attempt, have been an incredible ride so far. If for no other reason than to see our would be overlords rage-stroke as jobs are created, judges are appointed, regulations are rolled back, lies are debunked, memes are challenged and some semblance of sanity restored. So for that sane part of the nation, we're still not tired of all the winning. See the last link for more of same.

And speaking of Mule-Whore, with all the breaking news about North Korea and Iran, a potentially huge story that got lost in the shuffle is news that the smug inquisitor may have really shot himself in the face. Recall that in the face of the Russian collusion story crumbling, despite the Media's best efforts to maintain its veracity, he and Rod Rosensteinpenis held that late Friday presser where they announce indictments against, among other people, some Russian nationals whom they thought would never show up, just to have a phony showboat for the cameras. Well guess what? Team Deep-State's cunning stunt blew up in their face as those Russians they were cocksure would never appear did indeed show up for their trial and have now demanded to see the evidence against them. Mueller pleaded for some sort of postponement but the judge denied the request. By the way, a TRUMP-APPOINTED JUDGE. Nope, not tired of all the winning at all.

On the Hill, Gina Haspel has suffered the slings and feces of the Democrats but she gave as good as she got, especially against the Thad Cochran-brained Dianne Feinstein and Jack Reed. The hypocrisy on display, though expected, is particularly radiant since her former boss John Brennan was at CIA during the period of waterboarding and was confirmed as Obama's CIA chief with ease. And it turns out that Nancy Palsi knew all about the waterboarding long before Haspel did, and yet the Dems continued the smear that she, Haspel, knew and directed it. Mark Levin is right; these people do indeed disgust me.

On the political front, the so-called Blue Wave has all but vanished as even CNN's poll can't hid the fact that the generic ballot Democrat lead is now only at 3%. Brutal comedy gold from California GOP gubernatorial candidate Travis Allen though I can't see him having a shot.

In healthcare, despite the individual mandate being nixed, Obamacare's zombified corpse is still wreaking havoc on peoples' finances and health. This thing has to be killed off once and for all. IIRC, PDT tweeted out something about allowing insurance across state lines a few weeks back. I hope this can once again happen, especially if the midterms go our way, please G-d. If for no other reason, I want to see Jonathan Gruber sob like a cross-eyed titty-baby. There's a "little Eichmann" for you.

Anyway, links from around the world, across the nation and up your street. Have a better one and remain blessed.

Go here to click on his links for today.

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