Thursday, May 10, 2018

Virtue signaling about how we treated 9-11 terrorists

One of the main things Obama accomplished with his Iran deal was unintentionally to solidify a coaliton of Israel, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, and the United Arab Emirates. Add the United States to that, and you have a formidable force Iran must contend with if it continues to sponsor terror.

Ben cites a Washington Post article (I'll take that with a grain of salt) showing how Michael Cohen hugely profited from being Trump's personal lawyer. All kinds of firms threw money at him in hopes of influencing Trump. Selling access is pretty common, but did he deliver?

Ben says the real problem is government is too big. The bigger the government, the bigger the corruption. Some corruption is "legal," some isn't.

Ben says yesterday was a good day for Gina Haspel, Trump's pick to head the CIA. But the Democrats don't like the fact that she was responsible for "Black Sites," under the supervison of James Clapper, who is now a Democrat star working for either CNN. But the Democrats are opposing her nomination because CIA tactics caused terrorists to give up other terrorists! Ben asks, "Is there anyone who worked for the CIA during the War on Terror whom the Democrats would now approve of? Americans wanted Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the mastermind of 9-11, to be waterboarded. No one cared about sparing his naval cavity!

What can older conservatives teach younger conservatives? Let's elect someone who does what we want! You can have a guy who may not have excellent character but we like what he does policy-wise! Younger conservatives want to be able to say to their friends, "I'm a good person, and the person I voted for is a good person." If they can come to realize that you don't have to go along with everything that person does or says but you can recognize that he is doing some amazing things policy-wise, then younger and older conservatives can build a strong coalition!

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