Monday, May 21, 2018

Story telling, What is the Second Amendment about? The Left tripping over its own narrative, The Queen wakes up

Story telling. Creating reality. The Second Amendment is not about guns; it is about freedom! Guns protect our freedom. Our freedom is non-negotiable! We on the right want to tell facts. The Left is better at crafting narratives that get at your emotions. The story tellers on the Left demonize Fox News and other media outlets that are not hard left. They know that if they can convince you that Fox is not to be listened to, they have won the story-telling war!

Andrew loves watching the Left trip over its own narrative. If you don't have an appreciation for absurdity, you shouldn't be following politics! What is the slogan of the MS13 gang? Kill, Rape, Control! Trump calls them animals and wants to send them back to Central America. Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats rushed to their defense! Nancy asks, "Does Trump not know that all human beings have the "spark of divinity?" Andrew just wants to know from Nancy, "When does the spark of divinity enter the body?" Do you get the spark when you are in your mother's womb, or do you have to join MS13 first?

Andrew asked Michael Knowles to watch the royal wedding festivities over the weekend so Andrew wouldn't have to. He shows a clip of Queen Elizabeth hunching up her shoulders and closing her eyes as the minister talks about the way of love, and the camera quickly moves back to the preacher. Andrew says he imagined the Queen had just woken up and asked, "What is this man doing in my chapel?"

I was one of the people who wrote to Andrew to ask him to quit making fun of Representative Nunes' name! He gives a very good reply at the end of this show.

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