Friday, May 04, 2018

No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy! Dissolve the UN! Trump wants you and your family to be safe and prosperous.

This is a fabulous interview of Sebastian Gorka by Dave Rubin. Early in the interview Sebastian quotes Monica Crowley, who shortly after the election said Trump was never an ideological candidate, because you simply cannot put him in a box! He was an attitudinal candidate! In his prepresidential life he was committed to excellence: whether it was a golf course in Scotland or a skyscraper in New York, it was all about excellence! He is about getting stuff done and being the best!

Gorka thinks the #NeverTrumpers are pathological. And the Left? Insane! The Left has no regard for truth! Dr. Gorka was in the Trump administration for seven months. He and his family experienced incredibly venomous hatred from "journalists" who actually think they are human beings! They never wanted to debate policy; it was ad hominem attacks and lies. An ad hominem argument is one that relies on personal attacks rather than reason or substance. "...and they are not learning, they are doubling down!" If we rule out violence, under what conditions does something like that change? That they look in the mirror? But why would they? They reward each other for the lies!

Trump does not have a racist molecule in his body! Gorka pulls a small Bible out of his pocket as he says, Trump wants two things: He wants you and your family to be safe, and he wants you to prosper! The Left will never, ever believe that, although it is true!

Gorka was the spokesman for a Muslim moratorium. We live in the only country ever created on the principle of individual freedom and liberties granted to us not by our government but by our Creator Who made us in His image. The connective tissue of Islam, Communism, Fascism, and Nazism is totalitarianism. If you disagree with them, guess what? You are going to be enslaved or murdered!

Sebastian believes we are now witnessing the death of representative democracy in Europe. Killed by political correctness and guilt! When you deny objective truth, you will get wrapped around absurdities! Every country deserves the politicians they elect! Don't bitch and moan; get out there and elect good people! Don't just sigh and exclaim, "What are you gonna do?" Would the founding fathers have said that in 1776?

Bill Ayres and Bernardine Doryn actually became tenured professors! What did we do on the right? We let them have control of our children! "Give me your children and I'll own the future!" What was our response? Homeschooling, which was not enough.

Dr. Gorka believes we are in for a twenty to thirty year fight, saying,"America means this, and it has nothing to do with your skin color, your sexual preference, your social class, your gender. America is eternal values!

Sebastian considers himself a strategy wonk. We Americans haven't thought or acted strategically since about November 9, 1989 when the Berlin wall fell. The 90s were just kind of confused. Then we had 9-11, 2001 which brought on neocon disasters. Strategy is about prioritization based upon interests.

The top staffers at The White House and Department of Defense are all from the same Marine Corps Division!
That Division has a motto: No Better Friend, No Worse Enemy! John Bolton is not a Neocon, not ideologically driven according to Gorka. Bolton understands that Trump, not he, was elected president!
Which brings us to HR McMaster, who Gorka believes was there to lecture the president and foist his view of what the president should do onto the president! Bolton understands his job is to present a palette of options for the president to decide what to do. Gorka is very excited about Bolton and also Mike Pompeo coming to the State Department.

Afghanistan is only important to make sure bad guys don't use it to kill Americans again in America. President Trump will never, ever, ever buy into nation-building anywhere outside of the United States!

Since Bill Clinton we have given in to nuclear blackmail again and again. 1953 was a cease fire in the Korean peninsula. It is actually a war that has been frozen for 65 years.

The UN was a good idea in 1945 in San Francisco. But when you lock in dictatorships like China and Russia into the Security Council with veto power, you fail at its main mission, which is stability and safety. 47 of the last 51 resolutions are against Israel, according to David. Gorka says that alone is a reason to dissolve the UN!

Lead from behind is an oxymoron, Mr. Obama. Strategic patience meant we do nothing and allow others to act!

Dr. Gorka has written a book entitled Defeating Jihad. There are ways to defeat ideologies where they are laughable and everybody shuns them.

Because of Trump, our prestige as a nation has skyrocketed (outside of the European Union).

The Left have a collective mob mentality. We believe in the individual.

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