Thursday, May 31, 2018

Losing the Nobel Prize, A Trump and Kim summit, The Left has no way of dealing with defeat or debate

A Trump and Kim summit (Kim Kardashian). Andrew lists several things the two Kims have in common.

The Left believes their ways are the moral ways. Anyone who disagrees is evil. Andrew shows a clip of Obama buddy Ben Rhodes on election night shattered and speechless. He plays it again, accompanied this time by Simon and Garfunkle singing The Sounds of Silence. The Left has no way of dealing with defeat or with debate.

Roseanne Barr is off t.v. Samantha Bee calls Ivanka Trump a cunt for tweeting a beautiful photo of herself holding her young son. Samantha Bee is still on t.v.

The Viet Nam War expanded because the Democratic presidents JFK and LBJ were buddies with the Democratic press, which failed to probe. The Pentagon Papers is a story of journalistic failure.

The press failed to cover Obama, yet their hatred of Trump colors every story they write.

Andrew's guest is Brian Keating, author of Losing the Nobel Prize.

Brian is a professor of physics who studies the Big Bang. He talks about the fact that our universe is expanding. The origin of life occurred shortly after the Big Bang, which took place 13.82 billion years ago!

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