On to foreign policy where Phat Phoney Whoa, Fat! is now backtracking on his promise to dismantle his nukes and is threatening the summit with PDT. The excuse is our military exercises with the RoK, and some think he was pissed about PDT boasting about the hostage release. Hang tough, Mr. President. The Chi-Coms want to de-nuke the NorKs and will slap Chunky upside his head. If they don't, then it's all on him.Go here to click on his links.
Then again, the Media will blame you like it blames the evil Jooz for not allowing themselves to be exterminated. No need to really delve into all of this but I'll conclude by noting Nikki Haley's reaction at the UN as the Palestinian leader was quoting from "Mein Kampf" - she got up and walked out.
In other news, Deb Fischer and Lou Barletta, both backed by PDT, won their primaries yesterday and will move on to the general, the Leftist base of the Dems is enraged at the leadership for running "moderate" candidates, even phony ones and the chair of the Hispanic Caucus dragooned Joe "jizz-lip" Kennedy into recording ads in Hispanish. Don't she speak the lingo bueno? Muy no-good-o.
From hither and yon, a flicker of sanity from Eurabia as the renowned University of Heidelberg has rejected the BDS movement, the President just got his 21st judicial nominee appointed, the GOP is pressuring Mitch McCoCBrother to keep the senate in session in order to speed up the appointments, Chris Cilizza (sounds like something from a herpetology lab) evidently will surffer no recriminations for Tweeting a GIF of PDT in gun crosshairs, Francis the Talking Mule Pope is rumored to be thinking of stepping down (Please G-d, literally) and lastly we note with sadness the passing at age 88 of great American author Tom Wolfe, who gave us such works as "The Bonfire of the Vanities" and "The Right Stuff." RIP.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Keeping up
JJ Sefton's Morning Report contained links to these stories this morning.
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