Saturday, May 05, 2018

Happy Birthday Karl Marx! Now go away, and take your professors with you!

Today is the 200th birthday of Karl Marx. In American Thinker, Edgar Hudgins notes that Marx's lethal legacy lingers.
...Those who believed with Marx that there is a bourgeois class that cannot be reasoned with and is expropriating the wealth produced by workers saw only one path to a workers' paradise: censorship, violence, prisons, and mass murder. That has been the program Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, the Korean Kims, Pol Pot, Chávez, and Maduro. Many young people on campuses today, indoctrinated with Marx's errors, also reject the rational search for truth in favor of censorship and violence.

...Prosperity has come to the masses because of capitalism and free markets. As enterprises became more efficient, owners invested in new lines of production. Teapots and shirts were followed by the production of automobiles, air conditioners, computers, and every modern convenience, with workers able trade their labor for more and more goods and services. Indeed, Marx's class categories are wrong. All "workers" are investors in their own skills and human capital and entrepreneurs of their own lives.

So on the 200th birthday of Karl Marx, those who truly desire a world in which we can all prosper through our own efforts should work not only to eliminate the barriers to economic liberty, but also to eliminate the lethal influence of Karl Marx.
Read more here.

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