Thursday, May 17, 2018

Everyone loves country eggs!

A few minutes ago I went out to the hen house to collect eggs. A beautiful snake was in there with an egg in his mouth.

Not knowing what kind of snake it was, I set off in search of an alpha male. Not finding one, I realized that an alpha female would be just as good. I knew that Colleen had caught rattlesnakes last summer. When I told her the snake was very colorful and had an egg in its mouth, right away she knew it was a bull snake. "Rattlesnakes do not put eggs in their mouths. Bull snakes do bite, but they are not poisonous," she said.

She proceeded to pull the snake out of the hen box and, well, take a look.

All in an evening's work. The dogs who follow Colleen around the farm all day wanted a look. They wish they were as good at catching snakes!

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