On October 21st, 2016, the DOJ and FBI used the Steele Dossier as the foundation for their FISA Title-1 Surveillance application against Carter Page. Surveillance was a key part of the FBI counterintelligence operation to investigate Russian interferance in the 2016 election. However, almost three months later, on January 4th, 2017, when John Brennan, James Clapper, and James Comey produced their Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA), the same individuals who created the FISA application did not include the Steele Dossier in their ICA report.Read more here.
Think about the contradiction in this example. It is within this contradiction, and many more, where we discover the origin of the feces. If the Dossier was valid enough to present to a FISA court as evidence of Russian involvement; then why wouldn’t that same Dossier be valid enough evidence to include in their January Intelligence Community Assessment?
When you start asking these irreconcilable common sense questions, you begin to realize -and expose- how insufferably corrupt the entire intelligence scheme really was. The entire scheme was an assembly of individual lies; each lie a thread rolled into a bigger ball of entwined nonsense. Look at it from a distance and it looks like a vast Russian conspiracy ball; however, pull any single strand out, look at it, and there’s no truth to it.
It’s all an illusion.
This illusion was on full display today when the Senate Intelligence Committee asked John Brennan (CIA), James Clapper (ODNI), and Mike Rogers (NSA) to come to a closed door hearing so the corrupt senate politicians -who were also involved in the scheme- could coordinate talking points and generate synergy in their excuses and justifications. Not surprisingly former FBI Director James Comey refused to attend.
Today’s motive for the Senate Intelligence Committee hearing was exactly that: coordinate talking points, circle the wagons and reach a consensus on justification. As we have outlined exhaustively the Senate Intel Committee is the second most corrupt deep-state assembly in Washington DC.
Another example of fraudulent threads is the 2018 indictments of Russian entities by Robert Mueller. This week, as specific threads are pulled out for legal challenge, we discover that Mueller indicted Russian organizations that didn’t even exist during the time they were supposed to have been engaged in election trouble. Another corrupt thread example is Robert Mueller having to lean on 2006 and 2009 tax avoidance schemes (financial crimes) of Paul Manafort in order to justify a Special Counsel indictment of Paul Manafort for involvement in… (?)… well, no-one really knows, except it’s NOT 2016 Russian election interference?…
...The leaky obfuscation goes on to say in retrospect the FBI and DOJ couldn’t tell President Trump about their spying, wire-tapping and campaign surveillance…. because it would reinforce Trump’s impressions of the FBI and DOJ wire-tapping, spying and surveillance upon him….. Seriously, that’s their excuse.
I’m done with this nonsense. The third-phase of IG Horowitz looking into the FISA court abuse will reveal much of this; and I prefer to outline bite-sized portions of corruption one thread at a time.
The Obama Intelligence Community is screwed.
They know it, and their justifications in the New York Times proves they know it.
Mark the date.
The tide has turned.
They, all of them, are now left attempting to control the severity of their exposure.
“Muh Russia” is dead.
Political operatives, contractors, used deep-state access to FBI and NSA databases for campaign opposition research. Then they needed justification… then came the sketchy counterintelligence operation…. Then they needed justification…. then came the use of the sketchy Dossier to get a FISA warrant….. Then they needed cover…. then came the Russian Conspiracy…. Then they needed cover…. Then came the Special Counsel….
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Thursday, May 17, 2018
"Crossfire Hurricane"
Sundance writes at The Conservative Treehouse,
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