Saturday, May 05, 2018

Can We Talk?

Guest post by
Suzann Darnall
Can We Talk?

Apparently not . . . at least according to a large majority of the liberty-hating leftists. They seem to have an unreasonable animosity towards “free speech”, “freedom of the press”, “freedom of expression”, true “net neutrality”, and pert near any form of communication which allows people to express any sentiments or opinions that contradict the Liberal litany of intolerance for real diversity. Anything and everything that diverges from their messages seems to be immediately labeled as threatening, racist, sexist, intolerant, or some other form of “hate speech”.

Speaking of “hate speech”, it is a term I have come to loathe. That phrase is nothing more than another way to label and shut down “free speech”. I am a firm believer in the concept of “free speech” as a right granted me by God and supposedly protected by my country’s laws. I feel much the same way about things being labeled “politically correct” or “politically incorrect”. Just another attempt to infringe my freedom of expression and speech.

First and foremost we need to remember that “free speech” is a constitutional right. It is protected by the First Amendment! Short and simple: Congress shall make no law...abridging freedom of speech. In my opinion, enough said! It is our right to express any opinions without censorship or restraint. “Free speech” is considered to be the principle which supports the freedom of an individual to articulate opinions and ideas without fear of retaliation, censorship, or sanction. The term "freedom of expression" not only includes speech, but also acts of seeking, receiving, and imparting information or ideas, regardless of the medium used.

We are seeing so much in the mainstream media, social media, and other forms of information, that is working to shut down the conversations that citizens, many of them conservatives, want to have about a wide variety of topics. This is a terrifying turn of events. Particularly what we are seeing take place on school campuses across this nation. Not just college campuses, but down through high schools and even affecting the youngest of students in kindergarten and pre-K in some instances. A nationwide effort to shut down anything not of the Left’s point of view. The policy of places of learning as place for the free exchange of ideas or differing opinions will no longer be tolerated by many educators.

Well, I, for one, do not intend to sit down and shut up. I intend to use my “freedom of speech” and “freedom of expression” as loudly and proudly as I can. I will not bow down to those who would diminish my voice and my choice. They would deny me even the freedom of thought if they could do so. Well, guess what? My God and my country (at least for the time being) allow me to think, say, write, and read what I believe. And, y’all know what? It is in an effort to have this always be so that I also support the Second Amendment . . . without which all other rights would soon be stripped from the citizenry!

Read more from Suzann at WoolyMammoth.Org

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