Wednesday, May 09, 2018

By the way, is brown slave-white master role-play a popular fetish? Or just among liberals?

Mark Steyn writes today about the disgraced thug, Eric Schneiderman.
Schneiderman, "a liberal Democratic champion of women's rights" and "outspoken figure in the #MeToo movement", resigned following reports that he'd physically assaulted at least four women - and indeed threatened to stalk them and kill them.

Five years ago Donald Trump tweeted,
Weiner is gone, Spitzer is gone - next will be lightweight A.G. Eric Schneiderman. Is he a crook? Wait and see, worse than Spitzer or Weiner.

...As for what Schneiderman did, consider this:

When Schneiderman was violent, he often made sexual demands. "He was obsessed with having a threesome, and said it was my job to find a woman," she says. "He said he'd have nothing to look forward to if I didn't, and would hit me until I agreed." (She had no intention of having a threesome.) She recalls, "Sometimes, he'd tell me to call him Master, and he'd slap me until I did." Selvaratnam, who was born in Sri Lanka, has dark skin, and she recalls that "he started calling me his 'brown slave' and demanding that I repeat that I was 'his property.'"

Well, Massa's in de cold cold ground now, but not without a lot of Dems doing their best to keep him in office:

After the former girlfriend ended the relationship, she told several friends about the abuse. A number of them advised her to keep the story to herself, arguing that Schneiderman was too valuable a politician for the Democrats to lose. She described this response as heartbreaking.

Not really. It's just business as usual. Too many "liberal" "progressives" are content to love women, blacks, gays, humanity in general while being remarkably cold-hearted about women, blacks, gays in particular, regarding individuals such as Miss Selvaratnam as mere collateral damage on the road to utopia. (See Mary Jo Kopechne, inter alia.) After all, like Harvey Weinstein, Schneiderman attended the women's march - and that's what counts.

By the way, is brown slave-white master role-play a popular fetish? Or just among liberals? I wonder if it arises from the obsession with identity politics, from having to view the entirety of modern life through the prism of race, sex, orientation, and whatever's next. It must be psychologically exhausting and destabilizing: is it any wonder that after hours your public preoccupations emerge in dark inversions requiring your "brown slave" to call you master and agree to do a little softcore sapphism to fulfill your threesome fantasies?
Read more here.

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