Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Bad jokes, Leaks, Hamas, Quelling impeachment talk

The first segment tonight was about someone working in the White House telling a bad joke and someone else leaking it to the press. Juan Williams attacked Greg Gutfeld. Greg stood up to him more firmly than I remember him doing any time previously. When will there be an uprising on the panel against Juan?

The second segment focused on the deadly riots in the Gaza Strip. Greg correctly explains how Hamas uses civilians as canon fodder, as Hamas comes in with their explosives behind the protesting civilians and the media covers the story of the civilian deaths. Nothing new here. It has all been done before by Hamas and Iranian-sponsored Jihadists. Of course, Juan manages to blame Donald Trump. Dana Perino always seems to take a balanced approach and notes the new alliance being formed with the US, Israel, UAE, and Saudi Arabia.

Segment three: Nancy Pelosi is facing criticism from Democrats for trying to quell impeachment talk. Kimberley stands up to Juan. By the way, I have read that Kimberley is dating Donald Trump Jr.! Dana notes that the Democrats are starting to talk about healthcare. She also tells us that Republicans think they have a chance to win races for governor in Minnesota and Colorado.

There is a crackdown on service animals. American Airlines has banned goats and ferrets and something else.

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