Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Police State tactics

Here is the Morning Report from JJ Sefton at Ace of Spades.
Good morning kids. The lead story for this Tuesday is, as Mark Levin so accurately describes it "the police state tactics" being used by Robert Meuller and by extension the Deep State traitors in both parties to destroy Donald Trump politically and personally to overthrow him and his government, and by extension, we the people. Having virtually exhausted every possible avenue of attack with the phony Russian collusion angle, they are raiding his lawyer's office in order to find records that show - or more accurately can be trumped up to show - that the president's alleged payoff of hush money to woman-who-fucks-on-camera Stormy Daniels was some sort of illegal campaign bribe or something like that.

Aside from the incredibly dangerous precedent this now sets for law enforcement to be used to smash legitimate attorney/client privilege (at least for law enforcement and their political overlords of the Democrat-Leftist bent), and the 4th Amendment to the Constitution, this means that unless something is done now, the mission is to keep Mueller going until the midterms in November and perhaps beyond, depending upon the outcome. That's because the investigation's purpose at a minimum is to damage and smear the President, his agenda and the GOP in general in order to sweep the Democrats into power and they can remove him from office. By hook or by crook.

Frankly, I'm sick of this as I'm sure all of you are. And thank you Jeff Sessionszzz for recusing yourself needlessly on day one and allowing Obama/Clinton/Deep Stater Rod Rosenpenis to impanel his fellow Obama/Clinton/Deep Stater Robert Mueller to do all of this. Enough. Fire Mueller, fire Rosenpenis, fire Sessionszzz and dismantle the goddam FBI.

Think I'm being too hasty? Look at the headline of the lead story and tell me how the special prosecutor investigation is going into Hillary Clinton's campaign, foundation, e-mail servers and Uranium 1 deal. Oh, wait a second... there isn't one! Never mind. Meanwhile, Loretta Lynch just threw that lanky hunk of piss Comey under the bus by blaming him for the change in the language describing the Shambling Drunken Bollard's actions as a "matter" (remember that one?) and we have learned that a think tank H.R. McMustard consulted for which crowed about its "objectivity" sought out a secret strategic partnership with the Clinton Crime Family. Something about burning it down, scattering the ashes and salting the earth comes to mind.

And then there's Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook. The billionaire twerp who made his money the old fashioned way (by conning his friends out of the idea, mostly) is set to testify before Congress today about this tempest in a Teapot Dome involving Cambridge Analytics and everyone's personal data. As I have said, this is a Rahm Emanuel crisis that could have serious implications. The only reason he's in the spotlight is because the Trump Campaign successfully employed the same data tools that Obama did four years earlier - which everyone thought was just so super cool and savvy - and came out the winner in '16. Remember and Obama's minions openly crowed about their direct partnership with Zuckerberg himself. The only reason this is tantamount to a heinous crime is that Zuckerberg didn't prevent Trump from utilizing the same data. And don't be fooled by Zuckerberg's phony mea culpa; as I linked to yesterday with that article about Jiz-Lip Chappaquiddick Stick Kennedy's call for Facebook to be regulated by the government. It's a backdoor attempt to wrest control of the entire internet via stealth net neutrality. Zuckerberg would want nothing better. Remember that no matter who is in the Oval Office, DC is controlled by the Democrat-Leftist-Media complex. Give them an inch and in a few short years... well, look no further than the state of the Second Amendment to see where the First will wind up. If it's not close to it already considering the Cultural Revolutionaries on campus and elsewhere. If anything needs to be done, it's the virtual monopoly that Google and Amazon have on what messages get out and how they are characterized that needs to be addressed. Can you say "Sherman Anti-Trust" and "AT&T breakup?"

Moving along to the foreign policy scene, the President is expected to lay out the official response to the Syrian gas attack. Funny how the Democrat-Media complex and their pet cuckservatives are blasting the President for essentially using the same language as Obama did. That said, SCOAMFs own ambassador to the waitron shit-hole refused to accept Mrs. Alan Greenspan's prepared meme that PDT share responsibility somehow for the attack. In any case, good Roger Simon points out that the gas attack may very well be the nail in the coffin of the Iran nuke deal sellout. Also, while we're in the region, the emir of Qatar is slated to meet with PDT in the Oval Office and some in the administration are urging him to blast our non-ally ally for their links to Iran, support of terrorism and that scandal a few months back of spying on American Jewish organization.

Over to China where despite the chicken littles screaming "trade war!" it appears the Emperor Xi may have blinked; the Chi-Coms have agreed to lift their tariffs on imports of American automobiles. In Hungary, Viktor Orban has won a third term as president, much to the dismay of the EU and globalists. It seems that they're pissed that the ignorant goulash-sucking fool refuses to do the right thing and let the Islamic hordes overrun the Magyars. I invite convicted felon and Nazi collaborator George Soros to go there and straighten him out.

On the political front at home, Rick Scott will run for Senate in Florida, the Democrats hope that former Clinton AG Mike Espy can steal another seemingly deep red Senate seat in Mississippi and get this; Camera Hogg is going to take a gap year off of college (guess he got rejected by the entire Cal State University System (where's Butch Napolitano when you need him/her?) to hit the campaign trail to stump for Democrats on a gun control platform. Winning!

Lastly, of note, it turns out that the biggest, official Black Lives Matter page on Facebook is run by a white Australian. Now THAT'S a knife, mate!
Go here to read his links for today.

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