...the more Mueller investigates Trump, the more he discovers crimes committed by the people who engineered his own appointment as well as his ideological brethren.Read more here.
...Mueller is smart, because there aren’t many men Cohen’s age, with his money, who would be willing to do time to prevent Donald Trump’s impeachment.
Most would probably say anything to avoid a five, ten, or even twenty-year prison sentence -- even something untrue.
Trump’s pardon of Libby was brilliant. It sent Cohen a message that he wasn’t going to go to jail. If the president was willing to pardon someone who worked for Dick Cheney, probably the man most hated by those on the left and the media, at least until Donald Trump came along, he would pardon Cohen as well.
The Libby pardon took all the air out of Mueller’s attempt to “turn” Cohen. I would have loved to be in the room when Mueller got the news -- time to hit the Johnny Walker Black heavy or beat his dog or something.
If anything, it shows Mueller that Donald Trump is a different kind of Republican. I like Mitt Romney and I think he would have made a decent president, certainly better than Barack Obama, who admittedly set the bar low. Yet, does anyone believe Romney would play dirty like Mueller plays? Or would he fold his hand and accept impeachment rather than fight?
Then something else happened. Rudy Giuliani joined Team Trump.
Trump and Giuliani together are an entirely different animal; they won’t give up; they will fight to the death. Throw in Inspector General Horowitz’s investigation (the report will drop in May) and U.S. Attorney John Huber’s criminal investigation of the FBI (with grand jury power), as well as the public tiring of his witch-hunt, and Mueller must realize he is not on the winning side and unless he has evidence of something criminal on Trump -- and after almost a year that doesn’t seem likely -- he can’t possibly win. In fact, he must be wondering whether many of his witnesses are about to be charged with crimes themselves.
I think Mueller realizes this and has had enough. He’s a smart guy and I think he understands it is time to cut his losses and salvage whatever is left of his reputation.
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Sunday, April 22, 2018
Is it time for Mueller to cut his losses?
William L. Gensert reports at American Thinker,
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