Saturday, April 21, 2018

He's for individual responsibility, so he must be stopped now!

Jordan Peterson (Channel 4 News via YouTube)

Clara Fox reports at National Review,
Canadian professor Jordan Peterson has been tarred as a racist for ridiculing the concepts of white privilege and white guilt.

...He argues that the victim-status mentality can lead (and often has led) to genocide. He refers to the treatment of the so-called kulaks in the Soviet Union in the 1920s: “They were the most productive element of the agricultural strata in Russia. And they were virtually all killed, raped, and robbed by the collectivists who insisted that because they showed signs of wealth, they were criminals and robbers.”

...During the Q&A portion of a lecture Peterson gave in Los Angeles in January, a man in the crowd asked how Peterson responds to those who say he is starting a cult. His short answer summed up his philosophy nicely: “Can you have a cult of individuals?”
Read more here.

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