Thursday, March 22, 2018

Michael Doran thinks Mueller will eventually charge Trump with obstruction of justice!

Mark Zuckerberg says he's shocked that a business he built around stealing your personal data while chatting with your friends, has been stealing your personal data while you were chatting with your friends! Zuck says he is going to solve this problem by personally investigating every app on Facebook he doesn't like... and the government is going to get involved as well! What could possibly go wrong?

YouTube is entering the gun control debate by stopping the gun control debate on YouTube!

Another thing that is happening is the silencing and bullying of any speaker who favors Israel. Andrew gives several examples.

Also, a woman's college called Mount Holyoke is telling its students not to say "woman" in the classroom.

Michael Barone reports that a poll of college students found only 35% of women favored free speech over inclusion and diversity, while 61% of men favored free speech over inclusion and diversity. Andrew believes that is because feminism is tied to the false narrative that there is no difference between men and women.

Fiction only works when you are communicating truth.

Michael Doran is a guest. He wrote a terrific post in National Review that I linked to here.He says the real collusion story is that senior members of the Obama administration teamed together to frame Trump as Putin's puppet. The key "framer" is John Brennan. There are spies all over Washington DC, and lots of Americans bumping into foreign spies.

Michael believes the Mueller investigation is corrupt. He also believes absolutely that Mueller is going to charge Trump with obstruction of justice.

Where we went wrong: We ditched religion and went after science, when we should have continued to pursue the truths of both science and religion!

Stay tuned to the end for a clip from Silence of the Lambs! Jody Foster needs to go back into the world of morality in order to keep from becoming Hannibal Lector!

We have lost the logic of freedom and the west because we have pursued the material and left the moral and religious behind.

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