Wednesday, March 07, 2018

Is the panic and craziness just panic and craziness?

That moment when a narrative starts to take hold of you emotionally. When something happens, the media quickly says, "See, we have been telling you. Here's proof that there is chaos!" Democrat Cohn resigned yesterday. There is speculation he resigned because of the impending tariffs on steel and aluminum. Now the media is speculating that the White House is imploding in chaos. That is the narrative the media has been selling us since the beginning of the Trump presidency.

Trump: I want strong dialogue before I make a decision. There is no chaos. There is tremendous energy and spirit. I like conflict; I like hearing different points of view.

A reporter asked Trump to explain why Kim Jong Un is now open to talk about getting rid of his nuclear arsenal. Trump answered, "Me!"

Andrew's advice to us: Be cool. Think through the story. Don't accept the media's version. Don't let them sell you this "chaos and panic" bias against the latest Republican in office.

Andrew opens his mailbag from subscribers.

There are no secular moral arguments. You can't know the rules if you don't know what right and wrong is. Did you know that no-fault divorce was instituted in California when Ronald Reagan was governor? That was when marriage stopped being marriage! You can't know what right and wrong is unless you know what a person is for. What is sex for? You cannot have a moral argument without God.

Marriage was instituted by the Church to protect women. Families become a building block of freedom. It is a self-governing unit. No need to bring the government in.

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