Thursday, March 08, 2018

If you find that your children are not being educated, but instead are being indoctrinated, take them out of the class!

Ace of Spades has the story of protestors breaking a stained glass window and carrying deadly weapons during a speech by Jordan Peterson at Queens University in Canada. Ace writes,
A garrote, of course, is a deadly weapon. It doesn't even have a legitimate secondary use as self-defense weapon: It's a weapon used to attack someone by surprise from behind only and strangle them to death. It cannot be used in a non-surprise, non-from-behind attack.

So she's carrying a weapon of silent assassination.

I imagine she'll be sentenced to time served and be given a firm scolding that young gentlewomen shouldn't carry Mafia sneak-execution weapons.

This took place in Canada, but it's coming to a country near you.

Indeed, it's already here.
Read more here.

Jordan was a guest on Tucker's show last night. The first in a series on men in America. Jordan notes that young men are in retreat, because of those Leftists in our education system who see the entire history of mankind as the oppression of women by men. How would you expect young men to step forward with confidence if their competitive drive is regarded as part of a tyrannical impulse; if the heritage to which he belongs is regarded as a repressive patriarchy! Why shoulder that burden? Why not just step aside and retreat?

Encourage your boys. Support their courage! Teach them that they can rely on themselves to prevail in even the darkest of circumstances. If you find that they are not being educated, but instead are being indoctrinated, take them out of the class!

Jordan's spot on the show begins during the 34-minute mark of the video.

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