Sunday, March 04, 2018

Do you have skin in the game?

Helen Smith writes about Nassim Nicholas Taleb's new book Skin in the Game: Hidden Asymmetries in Daily Life. Helen writes,
Politicians make all kinds of laws and regulations on healthcare such as the ACA even if it doesn't work because their own healthcare is fine. The media glorifies killers and blares their antics 24/7 giving the next mentally unhealthy person the urge to copy such crimes but they never pay a price, in fact, they get higher ratings so there is no reason for them to restrain themselves or think that ethically, it might not be the best option.

We are fast becoming a society where some people have little or no skin the game (such as those who pay no taxes) and others with a lot of skin in the game (those who pay high levels of taxes). Where will it end? What are the repercussions to our society? How different would our institutions be if administrators had skin the game?
Read more here.

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