Friday, February 02, 2018


Ace says, READ THE MEMO. The Federalist has it.
Another huge point: The FISA Application cited a Michael Isikoff article as "corroborating information" for the Steele Memo, despite the fact that it was Steele who had leaked that information to Isikoff.

So, Steele "corroborated himself" by leaking to Isikoff and then saying "Look, Isikoff says so too."

More: Steele was fired by the FBI for breaking rules of confidentiality when he went on his Media Tour, trying to interest Mother Jones and other outlets in his claims. The Memo notes he should have been fired for speaking to Yahoo News/Isikoff much earlier, before the first FISA application, because he gave Isikioff his bullshit too.

So yes, the FISA application was fatally defective from the outset. And yet Rod Rosenstein, Andrew McCabe, and Sally Yates (!!!) just kept re-signing the renewal applications.

The FBI and DOJ do not seem to have alerted the court to Steele's firing or unreliability (or partisan bias) in any application, even after they themselves fired him.

When Comey "briefed" Trump about the memo, he also withheld from Trump the dossier's partisan origins as well as the unreliablity (and firability) of its alleged author.

Note I always put "briefed" in quotes when I speak of this "briefing," because this briefing was not for the President's information, but for CNN's: The plan was to make the dossier "reportable" by giving it a newsworthy angle (It's so explosive the president was briefed on it!).

CNN was almost immediately leaked the news of this "briefing." It should be pointed out that one of the four reporters pushing this leak to the public was Evan Perez, who is a best friend of Fusion GPS' Glenn Simpson.

Note those last two paragraphs are not in this memo; that's already known. I'm just re-stating that because it's important.

Unfortunately this is even shorter than I thought - it's three pages and one extra paragraph on the fourth page, not four whole pages.

Some good stuff here, but... just 3.14 pages.

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