Saturday, February 24, 2018

Personal Protection

Guest post by Suzann Darnall

We have already had too many infringements on our right to bear arms. The Second Amendment has, for more than two centuries, allowed people to protect themselves, their families, their homes, their communities, their lives, their rights, and even their country. It has come to be an important aspect of personal protection in far too many of our communities in the modern world. Yet, there are those who would try to deny this aspect of safety to the common citizen.

They work all manner of bureaucratic wiles to deny average American citizens access to arms and ammo. They try to limit and even restrict gun and ammo purchases. They have initiated background checks for obtaining weapons and many places deny same day purchases. Some areas require registration of weapons. But, in my opinion, one of the most heinous requirements is when a citizen is required to take a course and pay for a license to exercise their right to carry a weapon for their own safety.

Why do we have to be checked to purchase protection? Why do we have to buy a license to carry a weapon to protect ourselves? Politicians or celebrities do not have to pass background checks or buy licenses to have armed bodyguards provide them with personal protection. Why are we denied the same courtesy of simply being allowed the personal protection of guns, without having to ask permission of an overreaching government?

Oh, I know all about the argument that we do not need personal weapons for protection ‘cause we can call 911 and the police will protect us. But, if 911 is good enough for us, why is it not good enough for the politicians and celebrities? Oh yeah, ‘cause we all know how pathetic 911 response times tend to be in most communities throughout America. Not that I am blaming the police. It is simply that there is too much crime, too many citizens, communities are too large, and not enough cops.

So, while 911 serves a purpose in some cases, it is not truly a life-saving plan when it comes to muggings, assaults, rapes, home invasions, domestic violence, and acts of terror. Immediate threats and danger require immediate action and protection. A gun in the home and in the hand is certainly more security than an operator on the line and a patrol car on the way.

If personal armed protection is good enough for the politicians, celebrities, and other elites, it is good enough for the common American citizen. We may not be able to afford armed bodyguards, but we can dang sure afford to buy a gun at Cabela’s, the local pawn shop, or our favorite gun show! And, we should be allowed to do it with no more restrictive requirements than what is involved for hiring an armed bodyguard!!!

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