Monday, February 05, 2018

Lose slowly so no one back home notices

Mark Steyn writes, "One of President Trump's great contributions to the public discourse is that he sees people as winners (him) or losers (Crooked Hillary. Sad!) and that he would prefer America to be in the former category. That's why his decision to string along with existing Afghan policy is so unTrumpian: If there is any US strategy left in the Hindu Kush, it's to lose so slowly no one back home notices.

...~I clarified my own position on this existential struggle after last year's grisly 9/11 anniversary observances":

We run around fighting for worthless bits of barren sod like Helmand province in Afghanistan, while surrendering day by day some of the most valuable real estate on the planet, such as France and Sweden...

In Afghanistan, we're fighting for something not worth winning, and we're losing. In Europe, Islam is fighting for something very much worth winning, and they're advancing. And, according to all the official strategists in Washington and elsewhere, these two things are nothing to do with each other.

"Thus Senator Graham - a genial fellow who's reliably wrong about everything but is consistent at least in one respect: He's an open-borders fanatic at home and abroad. He believes everyone's borders should be open to Americans in boots, and he believes all America's borders should be open to everyone. So he's latterly been the Republican frontman of so-called bipartisan "comprehensive immigration reform". Don't worry about it, because we're going to be able to "vet" everyone."
Read more here.

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