Thursday, February 08, 2018

Another resignation in the National Security Division of the DOJ

At The Conservative Treehouse, Sundance brings us news of
David Laufman. Laufman was the Department of Justice, National Security Division, Deputy Asst. Attorney General in charge of counterintelligence, cyber security, counterespionage and export controls.

As most people are now aware the epicenter of the DOJ/FBI Clinton-Steele operation against candidate Trump stemmed from a collaborate “small group” effort of Main Justice officials within the National Security Division (John P Carlin – head), and officials within the FBI centered around the Counterintelligence Division (Bill Priestap – head).

...After President Trump won the election, Attorney General Jeff Sessions reversed the prior position of Sally Yates who was keeping the DOJ National Security Division free from Inspector General Horowitz oversight. Now the DOJ-NSD has direct oversight, the officials within the DOJ-NSD have come down with a severe case of sunlight aversion.

Responding to a 2015 request by the DOJ Office of Inspector General, Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates told the internal watchdog they cannot investigate the National Security Division.

That’s right, there was essentially no oversight on any activity happening inside the NSD.

...So it might not be so coincidental the players used on the DOJ side of “Operation Trump” (Bruce Ohr, John Carlin, etc.) all seem to come from within the National Security Division.

...All of the evidence points in one transparently obvious direction; toward a 2016 collaborative effort structured to use a counterintelligence operation to conduct wiretaps and surveillance on the presidential campaign of candidate Donald Trump. The FISA Title-1 surveillance approval of Carter Page was retroactive legal authority to do so.

The FBI and DOJ certainly went to extra-ordinary lengths to get that FISA Title-1 warrant approved; even to the extent of misleading the FISA court on the validity of the underlying documents. The DOJ/FBI ‘small group’ really seemed quite desperate to gain that FISA Title-1 surveillance authority…
Read more here.

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