Sunday, January 14, 2018

Stabbings in the news

On Monday Mark Steyn wrote about some recent stabbings.

Mohammad the "model refugee" gives a haircut to the head of the local job-center, while two ladies from the "integration" bureaucracy look on. In the middle is Mohammad's boss Ilona, before he cut her throat and stabbed her in the chest.

...How did Ilona F come to be within throat-cutting range of Mohammad H? Well, she and her hubby hired him:

Together with his wife, and with the help of the refugee helper organization, in 2016, he searched for an Arab hairdresser, to offer something special to the customers of the region. He thought that he had found him in Mohammad H.

So they signed Mohammad and gave him the razors. And you can't say he doesn't offer "something special": how many other German stylists can cut your hair and your throat? But for a while he was the town's "model refugee", a poster child for Mutti Merkel's "We can do this!" optimism - as in the press photo above of the local job-center honcho getting a trim.

Read more here.

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