Monday, January 22, 2018

One movement protects innocent human life; the other promotes killing human life.

At Life News, Ryan Bomberger, pictured below, writes about the pro-life movement.

...The prolife movement is rooted in equality, rooted in Love, rooted in Hope. Despite the caricatures that #fakenews media tries to make of us, we are the ones who fight for human dignity and true equality. We are the ones who care for mother and child (free of charge) in a network of over 3,000 compassionate pregnancy resource centers nationwide (here, here, here, and here), in over 450 maternity homes, in fatherhood mentoring programs like Project D.A.D., and family support ministries like Catholic Charities and the Salvation Army.

Today is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. It’s a somber time to reflect on the tragic deaths of over 60 million human lives. Though pro-abortion activists angrily insist “No uterus, no say!”, it was seven men in black robes who handed us the violence of abortion. It’s mostly male abortionists who profit when women are convinced their own biology is their enemy. And it is mostly men who are empowered by a supremely wrong ruling that gave guys a license to have sex and run.

As someone conceived in rape, as an adoptee, as a husband, as an adoptive father, as a human being…I will continue to fight for the least powerful and the most vulnerable. I pray that my four children will see the day when our nation moves beyond rhetoric and into the reality of liberty and justice for all. Mainstream media refused to tell the truth about slavery, but the injustice of that brutal institution was still abolished. Today, MSM is choosing to be on the wrong side of history again censoring truths that, ultimately, cannot be hidden. Abortion—the sacrifice of others—makes us broken human beings. Self-sacrificial love always makes us better human beings. That truth will keep marching on until the brutal industry of abortion is no more.
Read more here.

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