Friday, January 05, 2018

New Year's Resolutions

Guest post by
Suzann Darnall

I am not doing a lot of resolutions. In fact, I do not usually do New Year’s resolutions. But, I do have a few things I want to work on improving as we move into 2018. And, I am looking forward to accomplishing the goals I am setting.

First, I want to be more grateful for all the things I am given each and every day. I want to be sure I remember that we are blessed each day. So, I have started a new tradition with my husband each night as we prepare for bed. Up to now we have read a “happy text” scripture and said a prayer before sleep. I have added in the new habit of sharing with one another a good thing we were blessed with that day. I am keeping them recorded in my Notes app and we will print it out for putting in our family scrapbook-journal at the end of the year.

Second, I want to lose some weight. I used to weigh 275 pounds and lost 129 pounds several years ago. I had some surgeries and life changed a bit, so some weight has crept back in. I have decided I want to get it off. My husband also wants to lose a few pounds, so he is supporting me in this effort. It is not anything huge, just returning to the good habits we used when I lost the weight the first time. Healthier foods, eat less, exercise more. Not a hard plan. I do not expect to be perfect, I just want to do better.

Third, I want to make sure I am getting the message out about supporting President Trump, traditional American values, and Constitutional freedoms. I want to encourage all my family, friends, and readers who are Constitutional Conservatives (or of a similar political mind) to do the same. The other side is fighting very down-n-dirty and we must be vigilant. The only way to fight their lies is with the facts, the truth, and the proof! Some will still refute reality, but others might eventually realize what is actually going on in the real world of real life.

We are blessed to live in a great country. It might have a few rocks along the path right now, but it is still a good place to be and we have it in our power to make it better. We can make our own lives better as we do what must be done. We must not look at the world through rose-colored glasses that will hide the ugly truths that must be faced and overcome, but we must not forget to acknowledge that the sun shines every day. Even when it rains or night comes, the sun is still up there. Whether on a personal level, for your home, or nationwide, look for what you can change for the better. Start today. Make a difference. Small things can add up to big improvements.

So, in short, my plan for 2018 is count my blessings, safeguard my health, and protect my rights. Simple, but oh so important. Each journey begins with that first step. I am starting my walk right now!


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