Wednesday, January 17, 2018

"Just enough that the petty nobles of the subjugated right can call themselves "respectable" in their Lords' eyes."

Ace read the piece at The Daily Caller by Joe Katzman and added his own thoughts.
The right attempts political persuasion. The left, on the other hand, attempts social persuasion -- basically seizing the commanding heights of culture-making institutions and then deciding that espousing some political claims (being pro-gay-marriage) increase social status and that espousing other political claims (being against gay marriage) decrease social status and, indeed, make one a social pariah, fit for ostracism, mass mockery, and internal exile.

The left's method works much better than the right's. It always has and it always will. Because most people don't care about politics all that much -- but nearly everyone (except for the crankiest of contrarians, including some of the current assembled company) cares about their social status.

Having higher social status gets you invites to the Cocktail Party Circuit, which is a real thing, defined broadly (and metaphorically) enough. It makes you datable, it makes you "clubbable," as the old term went.

It can get you promoted at work, particularly if the sort of job you do is a bit vague as far as definite, tangible outputs and thus advancement depends more on how upper management feels about you.

While the left wing continues winning arguments by not even having arguments at all, instead simply demonizing those who espouse any contrary position, the #SmartSet (citation required) of the establishment right continues believing, apparently earnestly and definitely ridiculously, that if they just out argue their political competitors, they'll change minds.

So what did Ace's commenters add to the discussion? Hadrian the Seventh wrote,
No point wasting Christian kisses on a heathen idol's foot. To do things to gain approval is a fool's errand. Set your own standards, live up to them and treat these poseurs with the contempt they deserve.

Jane D'oh wrote,
If Andrew Breitbart was still with us, it would be the Trolling of the Century if PDT had him enter the press room, on roller skates (remember his skates?) and handle the press whores.

#Neverskankles wrote,
I loved when Breitbart answered the left's bullshit with "so?".

It's such an effective way to bitch slap idiocies away. But no Republican ever uses that technique.

Schumer: Oh my God all these dreamers will be deported?

MSM: Oh my God, trump may be obese!!!

SJW: I am triggered by your speech

And so forth...

Jack Straw wrote,
It's not so much about losing social status as it is about losing your job or your ability to make a living. The left wins arguments not because they are better at ridicule but because they control the power to punish and destroy.

Trump's a billionaire now but he's been rich all his life. He has never had to worry about paying his mortgage or providing for his family. I know a few trust fund babies and they do whatever they want and say whatever they want because at the end of the day they don't really lose any social status and more importantly they don't lose anything economically.

I love what Trump is doing but I am also under no illusion that lots of what he is doing is because he doesn't really give a fuck, he and his family will never suffer, and the more the left tries to harm him the further right he moves, further than he has ever been in his life if for no other reason than to punch back. He has that freedom.

The more institutions that Trump destroys or at least neuters that have the power to harm the more we will see ordinary people speak out. We are out here, we put him in office over Hillary despite all odds but we did it mostly anonymously. Once the tipping point is reached where people are really free to speak their minds you will see a lot more people speaking out freely and loudly. Trump like.
Read more here.

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