Thursday, January 18, 2018

A veneer of authenticity

Ace's current headline:
Of Course: Hillary Clinton Hatchet-Man Sydney Blumenthal Was "Interviewed," For Some Reason, by the FBI In Connection With the Fake "Steele" Dossier

Ace writes, What if it wasn't the Steele Dossier? What if it was the Blumenthal Dossier with Steele's name on it to make it stink less of self-interest?

Pure speculation on my part. But Blumenthal was being paid $10,000 per month by the Clinton Foundation as a "consultant" -- including running a "private intelligence network" along with a former CIA officer named Drumheller.

I'd like to know why, exactly, the FBI thought they needed to interview a href="">Sidney Blumenthal about this dossier which I'm sure he had nothing to do with.

...And "Sid Vicious" was one of the most ferociously conspiratorial of the Clinton partisans.

A theory is starting to form in my head: Hillary's team cooked up the Dossier and attempted to get an FBI file opened on Trump after the email investigation into Hillary began -- so that she could say "It's not just me being investigated, it's both of us. You mean, wipe with the cloth?"

And of course Comey's FBI went along.

Commenter Mr. Peebles:
What if it wasn't the Steele Dossier? What if it was the Blumenthal
Dossier with Steele's name on it to make it stink less of self-interest?

I've been thinking that for some time. They handed it off to Steele to hand back to them for a veneer of authenticity.

Commenter Garrett wrote,
Remember when Obama barred Blumenthal from working under his administration?

Kinda telling how Clinton worked around that, immediately.

Circa (insert year here) wrote,
Sidney Blumenthal was Steele's "source."

Prove me wrong.

Acme Trucking Company, White Truck Division, wrote,
Blumenthal is at the epicenter of all of the Clinton ugliness. So vicious a bastid that even Obama didn't want him anywhere near the WH.

Inevitably, all roads will lead to Sid. Unless the dirty side of the FBI whitewashes his involvement.
Read more here.

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