All they have are words, and they still think we’re still back in the day where some liberal accusing us of one of their thought-crimes was enough to send us scampering.Read more here.
...Hey, liberals. Hey, sanctimonious Never Trump dorks. Here’s our counter-offer: How about you go pound sand and we do whatever the hell we want?
...The 2016 primary was a battle between the Jeb!-loving “Oh noes, we needs to get the approval of the people who hate us” clique, and the “Oh, I got your approval right here” contingent that elected Donald Trump. That whole trying to please the people who will always hate us thing? That’s not a conservative thing anymore, except for a few suck-ups like Ben Sasse and other the tiresome members of Team Sanctimony.
They fuss, “We’re better than that!” and now we just laugh.
...And Donald J. Trump is the avatar of our not caring. Remember, he knows these elitist goofs better than we ever will, and no one has less respect for them. He was in there among them for decades as they sucked up to him and his dough. He dealt with, exploited, and now endlessly owns, the pompous, arrogant, and impotent press.
He knows exactly who these would be arbiters of morality and decency are. And The Donald is not impressed.
These are the same people who constructed, out of whole cloth, the narrative that we are somehow morally obligated to give up a red state Senate seat because Gloria Allred dragged out some sad-faced woman with a story and a yearbook. Except the yearbook was tampered with – just like the Roy Moore Truthers said. No, our glorious press didn’t uncover that lie. But then, the press didn’t want to.
...Here’s a lesson for our would-be moral instructors. See, the thing with moral authority is that you don’t get any more after you set fire to what you have. And our media/political/Hollywood elite’s moral authority is a raging inferno.
Well, now it’s time for America’s Normals to instruct you elitist jerks: We just don’t care what you say anymore.
This blog is looking for wisdom, to have and to share. It is also looking for other rare character traits like good humor, courage, and honor. It is not an easy road, because all of us fall short. But God is love, forgiveness and grace. Those who believe in Him and repent of their sins have the promise of His Holy Spirit to guide us and show us the Way.
Monday, December 11, 2017
The awesome power of not caring
Liberals? Kurt Schlichter writes at Town Hall,
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