Friday, December 08, 2017

Mrs. Robinson set him on a bad track.

At The Hollywood Reporter, Kathyrn Rossetter writes about the sexual harassment she received from Dustin Hoffman.
...This is not the red badge of courage I have worn for 32 years. I buried it deep. I am a tough dame... now. I continue to read the accolades pouring forth for him: Generous to a fault, kind, best man to work with. Women are overly sensitive to dirty jokes. Toughen up, ladies, etc. There is no denying I learned an enormous amount from him about acting. He was generous in the many presents he gave us and the many parties he threw. He can do all that and still be a man who manipulates, abuses his power and is a pig to women. They are not mutually exclusive.

My issue isn’t what he said, it’s what he did. Along with the nightly sexual harassment, he eroded my confidence, my dignity. He humiliated and demeaned me. He robbed me of my joy in the experience and he left dirty fingerprints on my soul.
Read more here.

There is a video here in which John Oliver confronts Hoffman.

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