Thursday, December 21, 2017

"Memory lapses, Questions that have not been resolved, What are they trying to cover up? A subversion of democracy! The best disinfectant is going to be sunshine" Is the Attorney General a mere spectator?

At The Conservative Treehouse, Sundance explains
In plain language the “Trump Project” was a joint 2016 FBI & DOJ counterintelligence operation to conduct wiretaps and surveillance upon the presidential campaign of Donald Trump. Operatives within the FBI and DOJ who were politically aligned with the Hillary Clinton campaign, weaponized the DOJ and FBI to undermine her political opposition.

Those who have been walking the deep weeds have a pretty strong understanding of Deputy FBI Director Andrew “Andy” McCabe’s risk profile and his role in the 2016 “Trump Project”. The Rosen report earlier today -based on investigators within the House Intelligence Committee- states McCabe has lost his memory around the timeline for the FBI’s FISA application and the Christoper Steele Russian Dossier as evidence therein.

If it can be shown the Steele Dossier was part of the underlying evidence within the FISA warrant (Sept./Oct. 2016), allowing wiretaps and surveillance of candidate Donald Trump’s presidential campaign, the foundation for a conspiracy becomes evident. If McCabe was aware of the origin, financing and use of the Steele Dossier in obtaining a FISA warrant, his exposure to a criminal conspiracy increases exponentially.

Understanding how Deputy McCabe’s risk profile increases in direct proportion to his attachment to the Steele Dossier explains his memory lapses, obfuscations and testimony toward his knowledge therein.

...With hindsight it is now clear why the Democrats, the intelligence operatives, and their media allies were so adamant a Special Counsel probe be initiated. They planned to use Mueller’s investigation as a shield all along.

♦Secondly, the same FBI and DOJ officials, along with career FBI and DOJ lawyers and administrators, who are at risk from exposure within the plot, do not want to answer questions in public hearings. They are using closed sessions under the auspices of everything therein being “classified”. This venue and manner of testimony blocks congressional representatives from talking about the content publicly.

Everything is being structured to avoid public scrutiny. In essence these career co-conspirators are using the familiar DC system to protect themselves from ramifications of their plot reaching the public.

♦Having said that, it certainly appears we have one person on the side of justice who predicted this was going to happen. By all external appearances DOJ Office of Inspector General Michael Horowitz has moved proactively to set up as much transparency as possible upon his years-long investigation into the politicization of the FBI and DOJ.

In the past several months, in coordination with the Trump administration requesting review of all public communication tools to increase transparency, IG Horowitz has set up an OIG website for public transparency and accountability. Additionally, the OIG has a twitter account set up for quick dispatch of information – FOLLOW HERE.

DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz

Here is Florida Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz speaking with Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson about officials in our own government using our money to pay foreigners in conjunction with the Democratic Party. Gaetz threatens to hold the unelected bureaucrats in Contempt.

What good does that do? Eric Holder was held in Contempt of Congress and just continued to do Obama's bidding. From Wikipedia:
...On June 28, 2012, Holder became the first U.S. Attorney General in history to be held in both criminal[128] and civil[129] contempt. ...President Obama and the Justice Department declined to prosecute the attorney general on the contempt charge citing executive privilege.
Two sentences in Wikipedia show what a weak farce it is to be convicted of Contempt of Congress!
Read more here

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