Saturday, December 09, 2017

"It’s time to push our oligarchs off their pedestals."

Mike Sabo writes at American Greatness,
...As elections pundit Larry Sabato has observed, “House seats are hereditary peerages nowadays.” George P. Bush, call your office.

But it’s even worse than Sabato imagines. If Trump hadn’t won in 2016, from 1989 to 2021 either a Bush or a Clinton would have held the presidency for 24 of those intervening 32 years. And the Supreme Court’s Ivy-League bigotry, which Justice Clarence Thomas has pointed out for decades, helps to cement the bias against opinions that contravene the oligarchs’ consensus.

In his masterful 2016 essay, “Donald Trump and the American Crisis,” John Marini noted that our society is overseen by an increasingly small group of politicians, media pundits, and professional elites who are defined not so much by wealth as they are by a shared knowledge and similar background in schooling and networks of influence. Our modern oligarchs understand “their offices in terms of global and administrative rule, rather than political rule on behalf of the American people and the sovereignty of the American nation.” This explains their penchant for increasing low skilled immigration, shifting the economy towards financialization and away from production, and trusting transnational bodies rather than sovereign nations.

The entrenched bureaucracy of the administrative state and the intelligence bureaucracy is the oligarchs’ personal Praetorian Guard. Robert Mueller’s “investigation,” which is a pretext ultimately to remove Trump from office, shows that any perceived threat must be isolated, attacked, and destroyed. Rather than uncovering “collusion” between Trump’s campaign team and Russia, however, the moral rot at the center of the intelligence bureaucracy has been exposed.

We’ve learned that Peter Strzok, a top FBI official who served on Mueller’s investigatory team, was removed over the summer for sending anti-Trump texts to a colleague, with whom he was also having an affair. Strzok also changed James Comey’s description of Hillary’s email scandal from “grossly negligent” to “extremely careless.” This change is significant because under federal law, penalties can be assessed when an individual’s actions are described as “grossly negligent.” And this is the same man to whom Clinton aides Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills lied during their interviews without being charged for any crime—unlike Michael Flynn.

...It’s time to push our oligarchs off their pedestals and return control of the government back to the ones to whom it was originally entrusted: the people.
Read more here.

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