Wednesday, December 20, 2017

I get to keep more of my own money? US sovereignty, "Know what I mean?"

Wait! Did I hear that correctly? I get to keep my own money? People can now legally choose not to enroll in Obamacare? We are going to drill in Anwar, where there are no trees to hug? Double the standard deduction?

Of course, Juan Williams pours ice water over the accomplishment. He derisively laughs at Kimberley as she ticks off the things people may do with extra money.

Greg makes the point that Democrats do not think corporations are made of people. Only activist groups, colleges, and NFL are made of people!

Juan, of course, stands with the thirteen countries in the UN Security Council who voted to try to stop the United States from its sovereign decision to choose where it locates its embassy. Trump: "We're watching those votes. Let 'em vote against us. We'll save a lot of money."

What are the most annoying words you hear people say? "Like" and "Know what I mean?" are two on the top of my list.

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