Monday, December 04, 2017


Ace quotes this article by Sara Carter and then writes,
Sara Carter quotes a source saying that Strzok's "allegiance" to Andrew McCabe -- whose wife ran for office as a Democrat and took big money donations from Friend-of-Hillary, Bagman-of-Hillary Terry McAuliffe -- was "unwavering and very well known."

Carter also reports that McCabe called Flynn about the interview, and seems to have misled him about the nature of the interview -- a source claims that Flynn was told the agents were coming to talk about "routine" matters, and it was only in the middle of it that Flynn realized he was being formally interrogated. As he had been misled into thinking it was "routine," he didn't have a lawyer present.
Read more here,where the headline is FBI Agent Fired from Mueller's Team, Caught Expressing Anti-Trump, Pro-Hillary Statements with Alleged Mistress, Not Only Interviewed Key Figures in His Hillary Email Investigation, But Also... Michael Flynn
So he interviews Hillary cronies and finds they did nothing wrong.

Then he also interviews Michael Flynn and comes away with a perjury charge.

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