Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Comey's "monumental bad judgment," racist trees, and Newsweek believes Trump stole Christmas

The Revenge of James Comey

Let's not forget Michael Horowitz, the Inspector General of the Justice Department. We will be getting his full report January 15.

Chris Swecker, former Assistant Director of the FBI with 38 years experience in criminal investigations, lays the blame on James Comey for drawing the FBI into politics with his "monumental bad judgment" and "a very half-hearted investigation into Hillary Clinton's emails."

The Islamic State has lost 98% of its territory, yet that has barely made the papers because nobody wants to give Donald Trump the credit!

Mark does a hilarious bit on California politicians wanting to get rid of racist trees.

Is it a mistake to send your child to college? This George Mason professor believes only about 5% should go to college. He is a big fan of vocational education, noting that in Germany and Switzerland vocational education is big, and they have very little underclass (except for migrants in Germany). You get a peer group of skilled craftsmen, instead of a peer group of criminals and dropouts.

Newsweek actually has a piece alleging that Trump and white nationalists stole Christmas, using phrases like Merry Christmas. Psychotherapist and journalist Nell Daly says that Pew Research notes that 90% of Americans celebrate Christmas, but only 46 % of those who celebrate Christmas view it as a religious holiday!

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