Wednesday, December 06, 2017

Andrew covers a lot of ground today.

Andrew Klavan has some insightful things to say about Trump who has had the best two weeks of his presidency in Andrew's opinion.

Trump has Jeff Flake sit next to him at lunch and talks about the unity of the Republican Party! The look on Flake's face is priceless (as he writes a check for $100 to the Democrat candidate in Alabama!)

On the other hand, Mitch McConnell realized he just needs to do his job and quit fighting with Trump, and the tax reform bill passed!

In order to get Trump, the Democrats now realize they need to clean house and get rid of Franken and Conyers.

Things are getting worse with the FBI.

Obama was a superb troll. He is now over in Europe comparing Trump to Hitler.

Andrew points out that Trump doesn't care about preserving the status quo.

The Left no longer controls the way we discuss things. Like Obama, Trump knows how to troll!

Today is mailbag day. The first question Andrew answers is from a young woman who has been sexually abused by her father and then later raped by someone she thought was her friend. Of course, he tells her to find a good therapist. He also recommends that she grieve the fact that she did not have a father worthy of the name. Don't hold on to the illusion that her father is a father. Let go!

A second person writes about a cousin using drugs and living with the person who wrote to Andrew. He recommends that the drug or alcohol abuser be told to leave.
Listen to more here.

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