Thursday, November 02, 2017

Speaking out against murderers, political correctness, identity politics

Trump critics criticize him for speaking out against the man who murdered people on the bike path. Greg explains that Trump sees this killer as an enemy combatant, so the rules of comportment don't apply in this situation.

Juan brags that America does not treat killers like Israel does. Israel would have razed the killers house! That is the first time I have heard Juan dip into antisemitism. Greg explains that this New York situation is war (as it is in Israel), not merely a criminal act. Greg wants deterrents, so removing the family back to Uzbekistan could work as a deterrent to the next jihadist who contemplates a similar act. Greg wants the associates of the killer or would-be killers to see some kind of consequence. Supposedly people in his neighborhood some him practicing. Supposedly he confessed to hatching the idea about a year ago. His cell phones were loaded with ISIS atrocities. He also had previous contact with terrorist suspects known to the FBI.

Jesse makes the point that the tech giants need to be much more aggressive in eliminating the availability of this type of radical propaganda. They don't, I believe, because of their progressive bias and political correctness and identity politics. de Blasio and the ACLU prevented the NYPD from surveilling the mosque in New Jersey this guy attended. Neighbors saw him doing dry runs in a pickup truck but didn't say anything. Political correctness kills!

Greg shows a Democrat political ad in Virginia against Republican candidate for Governor Ed Gillespie. It shows a man driving a pickup with a confederate flag chasing after Latino kids. If you don't vote for a Democrat you drive around in a pickup truck killing minority children.

Did you know that Juan Williams' son ran as a Republican for office in the District of Columbia?

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