Sunday, November 05, 2017

Reporting suspicious behavior is considered suspicious behavior!

"See something, say something?" Greg says, "The Fort Hood shooter was a known Islamist, but no one spoke up. No one spoke up about that San Bernardino creep and his wife. In our media climate, reporting suspicious behavior is suspicious behavior! We are handicapped in this fight, because the media dictates the rules: if you talk about vetting you are Islamophobic. If you say you don't want terrorists here, they hear you don't want Muslims. We are scared. We are fearful of being labeled bigots. Islamophobia phobia allows radical Islam to be treated differently than other threats." Greg calls it Terror Change (marrying terror to technological change). Good parents vet, so should good governments!

The media is criticizing Trump for tweeting about the New York City terrorist, saying he may not get a fair trial now. Kat Timpf says, "A jury of his peers is going to say, if you are into ISIS flags, you suck!"

"Who needs Russian collusion when you can corrupt your own party? Brazile has had her fill of Hill!"

Scott Adams is impressed at how little it cost Hillary to buy the Democratic Party. He is thinking about buying the Green Party for a thousand dollars.

Lauren Sivan wonders how this scandal will affect Chelsea Clinton's chances in 2020!

Greg: Hillary threw the DNC under the bus while driving the bus. Maybe Hillary got tired of Bill getting to screw everyone!" Greg is the Dr. Suess of Fox News.

Once they removed the masks from AntiFa the violence disintegrated.

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